Currently Browsing: Portfolio

Selling information Online

Selling information  Online
Selling information online Everyone is an expert at something and that expertise could generate tremendous income from information products. The following items are a sample of info products that you can create to launch your infopreneur business: Books E-books Special reports Audio recordings Teleseminars Video/DVD programs Training courses Computer-based training (CBT) Workbooks Tips booklets Seminars Workshops What great reasons do you need to become one? You need only your own experience not extra resource necessary. Work from home only in your available spare time. Low start up cost, affordable to...
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Launching a niche content Newsletters/Blogs/Web sites (I)

Launching a niche content Newsletters/Blogs/Web sites (I)
HOW TO LAUNCH A NICHE CONTENT NEWSLETTER, BLOG OR WEBSITE Launching an niche content business intimidates too many business owners who expect the experience to be too complicated, too technical, too time-consuming or too expensive. Creating a Niche content venture can be easy, fast and economical (even cheap) if you know a few basic things about the process and understand how to evaluate service providers. The following tips can help you stake your claim on the Internet and build a commercial presence there without giving up a weekend, reading a manual or spending more than you would on a tank of...
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Yiddish-¿Qué es un Shtreimel?

Yiddish-¿Qué es un Shtreimel?
¿Qué es un Shtreimel? Algunos hombres judíos glorifican Shabat con un sombrero único Si has visto a un judío religioso caminando con lo que parece una reliquia de los días más fríos en Rusia, puedes estar curioso de lo que es el shtreimel (pronunciado shtry-mull). ¿QUÉ ES? Shtreimel es yiddish, y se refiere a un tipo específico de sombrero de pieles que los hombres jasídicos judíos usan en Shabat, fiestas judías y otras festividades. Típicamente hecha de piel auténtica de las colas de marta canadiense o rusa, marta de piedra, marta baum, o zorro gris americano, el shtreimel es la pieza...
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